Wednesday, 11 October 2006

Diz/Kali - Nickelodeon

Up early to go down to London with Kali cat and Dizzy dog. A little nervous as to whether Kali cat will behave as I have not done anything with her before. The filming is for some little sketches in between programmes, cartoon characters living in a real world so there will be animated characters in the finished product as well as the animals.

Diz was up first and she did some skateboarding as well as various tricks - rollover, paw, creep etc. She found it difficult as the floor was very slippy so they put a rug down for her.
They then filmed a hamster running in his wheel.

Next up was Kali cat, I had got her out a bit before she was due to be filmed to get her used to the enviroment. She was fine, going up to everyone bunting them, rolling on the rug, totally wasn't phased. She had to run down the stairs towards camera. The first time she stopped to look at someone through the bannister rails, so we got them to move. After that she was good as gold and came running to me for the bit of ham. They wanted her running quicker so I called and called and she zoomed down the stairs. 'It's a wrap.'

Can't wait to see the finished product when the cartoon charaters are put in with the animals.

UPDATE I love it!: