Today it was going to be Cas as the production company had seen her from her Goldfrapp video, however they advised us there would be lots of people and children dancing so I decided Ember was probably the better of the two.
So off we went to London, got there for 10am and didn't get called till 6pm, Ember was having a great time as she befriended to young boys to play with all the time. Ember is not one for laying down and conserving her energy, she is on the go all the time though by the time we were called she was starting to get a bit tired and when she's tired she gets quite reactive to things such as noises etc.
As soon as we got to London I was put in costume, I had been beginning to wonder what this would be and when I arrived to see mini skirts I almost had a heart attack, but luckily they dressed me in something more suitable. I have to say working a dog in a dress is a little strange - I had no pockets for clicker, target stick, treats etc. Kay took this piccie of me dressed up!

So anyway onto Ember, we took her on set when called and rehearsed a bit with her and she was great if a little noisy and excitable as finally she was getting to work! Then the dancers came in and they were dancing so close to her, kicking their legs and waving their arms she got a bit freaked out and wouldn't stay at a distance as she was worried. So she did some work close to me then the dancers were stopped and she did some stuff at a distance. She was very good considering she had had a long boring day.
Unfortunately they never used the scene Emz was in, here's the commercial:
Unfortunately they never used the scene Emz was in, here's the commercial: