Diz was supposed to be the main story telling dog but it was so hot she was panting and they didn't like the panting so they decided to use a different dog for the main dog which I thought was a little daft but hey!
So all we did on day one is eat from the nicest catering van ever! Then at the end of the day they filmed Diz and I playing frisbee and her running through a tunnel. Mary Ann was filming too with Frostie and we were at the same hotel so had a late dinner and turned in as we were late getting back.
Somehow we managed to wind our way into central London the next day and neither of us had sat nav so resorted to the good old fashioned map! It was another blazing hot day and Dizzy's scene was in a high rise block of apartments. She had to cower under a table and walk back under a blanket, really short shot but it seemed to take ages as they were changing the position of the table and the table cloth so many times. But Diz was perfect and we got it done.
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